Avery’s pov

Xadeon looks irritated. “No one is going to die here,” he says stiffly. Alister may be ruthless but we have a common enemy right now. Right now the hunters want Avery desperately, desperate enough to be lured into a trap. Alister’s desire to capture Milian is strong, we can bargain.”

Henry shakes his head and salutes us. Well, I am off to fuck some women in your pack while you sort this out amongst yourselves. I might die tonight so best I enjoy my little time,” he winks and leaves the room.

The tension in the room thickens when Henry leaves and Xadeon looks around the room. ” Do not let what Henry said scare any of you. We have a common enemy, Milian and we can use it to our advantage.”

“He is right though,” Xade utters. ” Alister doesn’t forgive such things easily,” he looks at Kaylee. ” You can get a shot at living if you run away.”

Xaden stiffens and Kaylee reaches to squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I won’t. I’m tired of hiding. He will find me someday.”

Xade’s jaw ticked and he look back at his father. “When is Alister coming here?”

did not say but I assume he will show up today. He won’t risk making us come over to the council in case the hunters tail us and

his hair. Seeing how frustrated he is, I rub his back. The tension releases from his shoulders and he looks

” We can’t afford to be caught off guard. We should be on high

by every single threat. Escaping was not

suddenly sounds with a knock. It’s faint

My mom

I frowned, my mind muddled on how my mom even got here and

me to take care of this Avery?” Xadeon ask me softly, seeing the confused look in my eyes.

steady myself before I saw her. The last time we spoke wasn’t the best and she had told me she needed

to tell me she was sorry or perhaps she came here to tell me she no longer wants to see me? The thought made my heart

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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