Avery’s pov

Mom and I spoke some more and the tension between us from earlier is slowly but surely slipping away. She smiles, tucking some of my blonde strands behind my ear. You’re going to be a mom, I still can’t believe it.’

I try to smile back but it comes out a cringe. “A mom with a whole army of threats looming over her head. My baby isn’t even fully developed yet and I am already failing,” my voice breaks and mom grasps my hand tighter.

Don’t say that, don’t you ever say that again,” she says firmly. ” You’re already doing everything you can to protect your baby,” she smiles at me reassuringly.” You have an entire pack behind you and you have me. You are not in this alone, you have many who love you,”

I needed to hear those words, especially coming from her.

As my gentle smile graces my face a sudden sharp pain pulls on my lower stomach. I hiss, my hand flying to my stomach to cup. Mom’s eyes widen in alarm. ” Avery what’s wrong?!”

I shook my head, unable to understand what was fully happening but I knew it hurt. “I don’t know,” I gasp as another wave of pain rocks me. “It just hurts.”

me. “I will get Xade,” she says urgently, trying to get up but I grasp her hand. ” Wait no,” I tell her.

worried and anxious eyes fall on me. He rushes over just as Xadeon and Xaden reach the doorway and looks at me

urgently, kneeling down, grasping my hand and scanning my body for any signs of injuries. ”

I cut in his anxious words.

stomach in panic and he looks back at his dad. “We need to get her to the

head. “We can’t risk her being spotted out

and turns back to face me. My brows furrow as I recall how he barged in. How did you know I

the bed, lifts me in his arms and

both confused and

much to learn about the werewolf

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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