Avery’s pov

The next time I awake, I am staring at the blank white ceiling. There was a soft sound of my heartbeat running through the entire room and the scent of disinfectant and some other cleaning fluids was very distinct which made me understand that I was in the infirmary.

I swallowed, my throat feeling parched. There’s a sense of unease running through my body as I scan around the room and see no one here with me. Not even Xade.

The silence in the room except for my beating heart was unnerving, pulling me under a cloud of unease. The room was too painfully empty, sucking out all the comfort I once had in Xade’s arms.

I shifted slightly but only to wince when a sharp pain rams through my skull like a blade pressing hard against bone. My mind feels foggy, as if I was missing parts, vital parts of what happened to be all alone.

I can remember being placed on the bed, recalling the hushed voices, Xade’s urgent voice, and the feel of his hand pressing down on my hip to keep me from lashing out as they struggle to keep me calm.

I can remember…..his words. His declaration of his love for me and our baby. I can remember the cold feeling of being forced into darkness, feel the needle pierce through my skin on last time before everything had gone quiet.

This was the last I remember. And it’s frightening that it’s the only thing I can recall before waking up alone.

Had he left me?

didn’t think he

so parched. It felt like I had swallowed sand with grains of stones. It was painful to swallow and even more painful to think what was I doing all

scratchy and low.

he could, given that he

in my gut. My heartbeat which was once calm and steady began to thrust hard against my

I was alone.

I was alone.

and pathetic even to my own

holding them back. And


Rushing footsteps.

Not one. But two.

took in a breath, my eyes staring directly at the door, waiting for his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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