Xade’s pov

I took a step back, looking down at the floor. ” You’re right,” I mumble low and lift my head to look at Kaylee. “I’m sorry for being harsh,” I apologize, feeling a bit ashamed to have blasted her.

She had not deserved that at all.

Kaylee lifts her head off the ground a bit and nods, a small understanding smile on her face. “It’s okay, I understand.”

We’re all worried about Avery,” Xaden grumbles, his tone still displeased by the way I had spoken to his mate.” But being an asshole to people who care about you isn’t going to help.”

I shot him a quick glare but I knew he was right. With a heavy sigh pushing out of my mouth, I looked back at the door. Just behind, my woman was lying on a bed, hooked to many machines.

“I should be in there with her,” my voice breaks, the weight of unease pushing down on my chest painfully. ” She should not have to be in there alone. I’m her mate, she needs her mate.”

three more nurses in there but….I needed to be

there right now wouldn’t help her Xade,” Dad said gently. “You’re just going to be hovering over the doctor who’s already squirmish from

however I wanted to be in there with her. I needed to be with her. But deep down I knew that

I knew they would struggle

my words tore through my throat painfully. The thought of her lying there, all alone with not even a hand to hold hers while she goes through this

might not be in there physically beside her, but don’t forget that you two are mates. She can feel you, she can sense you. She knows

froze, relaxing a bit as I now remember that indeed I could feel

needs you to do is trust that she will be strong enough to get through this.

a simple

would be strong and

listen to the sounds of the machine and the shuffle of the nurses and doctor in

that she is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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