Chapter: 130

Rosalynn raised her eyebrows. “Oh, really? Did he actually say that?”


Eleanor flicked her hair behind her ear, tilted her chin up, and strutted toward the car with poise.

Seeing Eleanor opening the backseat door, Rosalynn pursed her lips and took her place in the passenger seat.

Once inside the car, she buckled her seat belt and remarked, “Mr. Hughes, | appreciate your kind words.”

in a document, heard her comment and scoffed, “What exactly did |

praise her for treating

good assistant? She came to express her

Eleanor was shocked.

Oh no!

could Rosalynn bring that

hadn’t uttered such

way. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have invited

to defend herself.

glance at her and then at Rosalynn, who pretended nothing had transpired. He

glaring daggers at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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