Chapter: 175

Chaz and his wife exchanged perplexed glances, prompting Baxter to deny the accusations.

“My apologies. It seems I’ve been deceived. | didn’t purchase the painting directly from Christopher but from someone claiming to be his student. | might’ve been scammed.”

Sensing trouble, Baxter hastily distanced himself from the situation.

Brian recalled Rosalynn’s calm, smiling response when he asked her why she didn’t expose Baxter’s lie immediately.

What aclever woman! ©

be that bold? Do you need me

myself.” Baxter gritted his teeth, struggling to

faint smile. “Set the painting aside.

The chef!

heart raced as he gazed at Rosalynn. “You

student, but not him. He’s an

throbbed on Baxter’s forehead. “Rosalyn, how do

personally informed me that Kabir

Baxter clenched his fists.

then turned to Arya and chastised her. “Arya, look at the mess you’ve created! You found this man. Were

quickly bowed her head. “| apologize, sir. | was tricked in my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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