Chapter 123
Hearing what Heather said, Lilian seemed to be talked out of it.
However, she felt something was wrong after a while.
She patted her thigh, got up in a hurry, and dashed toward the house.
Heather was startled by Lilian, not knowing what she was going to do.
“Lilian, where are you going? Don’t you want to take a walk? Heather shouted, trotting behind her.
Lilian was exactly the same as when she was younger. She couldn’t remain cool when things happened to her.
Over the years, she had been used to depending on Maxwell.
Although they argued with each other daily, they reached an agreement when it came to important things.
As the saying went, a good Jack made a good Jill.
This was probably one of the greatest secrets of their happy marriage.
The only regret was that they only had one son, Christopher’s father.
However, Christopher’s father didn’t behave well. He was not as committed to marriage as they were.
Therefore, Maxwell kicked him out of the family.
Maxwell was disappointed in his son and pretended he didn’t exist.
“Maxwell! Honey…” Lilian called..
Heather called Lilian behind her, but Lilian kept calling Maxwell.
At that time, Maxwell was practicing calligraphy in his study.
His two greatest hobbies were playing chess and drawing.

Christopher seldom visited them because of his busy work. On weekdays, only Heather could play chess with him.
He was not used to Katherine’s departure. She would come to play chess with him every Tuesday and Saturday, as they had agreed.
Chapter 123
People were resistant to change once they became accustomed to it. It required a lot of cffort to adapt it.
He paused and stopped drawing.
He frowned slightly, dissatisfied with Lilian’s recklessness and her interruption of his drawing.
“You’re already old! Behave yourself!” he said unhappily.
Usually, Lilian would argue with Maxwell as she heard what he said.
However, she decided to let him off the h ook because she had a more important thing to do today.
Lilian snat ched the drawing brush from Maxwell’s hand and put it on a holder.
She snat ched Maxwell’s phone and said in a commanding tone, “Call your grandson now and ask him to come back as soon as possible.”
Maxwell grew irritated. He didn’t get why she interrupted him practicing calligraphy and then forced him to make a phone call.
Maxwell glared at Lilian. Before he was about to lose his temper, Heather rushed to the study.
He thought, ‘What the hell? Why did both of them run to my study? It’s the quietest place in normal times, but why does it become so noisy today?”
“Call him now if you want to see your great-grandchild as soon as possible!”
Maxwell got emotional as Lilian mentioned Katherine.
“My great-grandchild?” Maxwell suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes lighting up.
“Have you found Katherine?” he asked anxiously, shaking Lilian’s arm excitedly.
Lilian felt dizzy after being shaken by her husband. “Stop shaking me! I will lose my memory if you continue to shake me.”
Seeing this, Heather hurried over to support Lilian.
“Alright, Maxwell. Please calm down,” she said.
After Maxwell calmed down, Heather said slowly, “Yes, we got some news about Katherine. But that’s just our speculation, but it should be pretty close.”
Maxwell finally knew why Lilian acted so abnormal today.
Chapter 123
It was understandable.
“Then why are you still here? Hurry up and bring them back!” he said anxiously.
At that time, Maxwell completely forgot that Christopher divorced Katherine, believing they only had a fight.
Maxwell kept muttering to himself, “It has been four years. It’s not easy for her to be a single mother, and I have no idea how they make a living.”
At the thought of his great-grandchild suffering with his mother since birth, he was upset.
Seeing Maxwell so worried, Heather comforted him, “You are thinking too much. Her life is not as miserable as you think. Katherine’s true identity is the daughter of Cameron and Diana from the Larson family in Dellmoor. After leaving here, she most
indeed has
likely returned to the Larson family and took over Larson Corporation. She most
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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