Chapter 163

Biting the bullet, Kimberly had no choice but to cooperate.

She didn’t want her issues to deprive the little ones of their chance at winning trophics.

Christopher observed her reluctant yet self-forcing demeanor and couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy.

He knew that if he had complained, she would have given up without hesitation.

Instead, making her realize the problem and the impending crisis would yield surprises.

Throughout the entire competition, Kimberly was exhausted. Even though it was autumn, she was drenched in sweat.

After the games concluded, she slumped into a chair.

Having achieved numerous high rankings, the children were pumped up and appeared. very excited.

There was no sign of exhaustion. They were full of energy, like untamed wild horses.

Christopher, unaffected by the physical exertion, watched them happily.

Many students, witnessing the family win so many trophies, couldn’t help but feel jealous. The children were showered with compliments.

“Wow your daddy is amazing!”

“Your mommy is so beautiful, just like a celebrity.”

“I envy you. That’s amazing! As expected from a family of sportsmen.”

Praises continued to pour in.

All kinds of compliments and flattery could be heard.

Candice, Dexter, and Sebastian were ecstatic.

All this time, they had been particularly envious of other kids having their parents pick them up together.

Finally, Christopher and Kimberly made their dazzling appearance and made them the center of attention.

This feeling was indescribably fantastic.

Chapter 163

Christopher stood on the side, observing their enjoyment of compliments.

A hint of sourness crossed his heart. He blamed himself for not finding the kids sooner.

paternal love needed

Sebastian, and Candice sang happily in the car. not forgetting to praise Christopher and Kimberly from time

and Kimberly was sitting in

Kimberly from the corner of his eye. Her cheeks, flushed and

asked, “Daddy, can



they wanted to compete with him, learn his impressive moves, and, most importantly, they didn’t want

Dexter’s words. Christopher

felt that having his own children was a truly wonderful

he had missed moments of them growing up, they remained

harbored resentment toward him,


hoping to catch her reaction, but she remained indifferent, as if she

of disappointment flickered in his eyes, but he responded optimistically and warmly. “Sorry, my little ones, I took a

the little ones quite blue,

comforted, I’m doing this to

share his plans for

he wasn’t sure if they understood what

speaking to the children, it was more like he was intentionally revealing information

news about the Levine Group planning to


Wed, 31

Chapter 163

had heard

chosen location was said to be the tall


changes in her expression that

However, she seemed oblivious.

understood what Christopher said and was excited that he would be coming

exclaimed, “Awesome, that means I can

Sebastian said, “Oh, we can play


area where Christopher had an


more into sports, while

work and was claimed to

paparaz zi every time

all, it was quite

Christopher could come to Dellmoor, it would be

them off at the Larson residence, Christopher got ready

staying for a while for coffee, he felt frustrated when Kimberly alighted the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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