Chapter 174


Christopher was lost in thought for a moment.

Ivy claimed she was the one who took him through the secret passage, but Christopher felt something was amiss.

It was just that there was no one he could ask for proof, as only the two masked men were present at that time.

‘Grandpa and Grandma have always treated Ivy like their own granddaughter, so I’m not against them acknowledging her as one publicly as long as it makes them happy. I wonder if Kimberly will feel uneasy over this, thought Christopher as her image flashed across his mind, and he chucked foolishly. It felt like he had been possessed as thoughts of Kimberly would constantly cross his mind.

Lilian’s cry brought him back to reality. “Christopher, what were you thinking about? I even saw you chuckling to yourself. Maxwell, you saw that, too, just now, right?”

As Lilian said this, she looked at Christopher and her frenemy plus companion, Maxwell.

In situations like this, Maxwell would usually choose to side with Christopher.

There was a slight teasing in his tone as he said, “I think there must be something wrong with your vision. That’s why I keep telling you to eat more fish, but you never listen to


Even while roasting her, Maxwell couldn’t stop publicly displaying his affection for Lilian.

Christopher looked at the comedic duo and smiled in relief.

“It seems that I am overthinking things. They have each other for companionship, so there is no way they will get lonely, thought Christopher.

Maxwell stopped making fun of Lilian and said gravely, “Christopher, the relationship. between your useless father and Kimberly’s aunt was ill-fated. I’m worried the grudges. of the previous generation will affect you. I plan to go to Dellmoor soon and discuss this with Yandel at his residence. Your mother has agreed to it, too.”

After hearing of Maxwell’s plan, Christopher was surprised as it was unexpected that. Maxwell would be willing to humble himself and resolve the grudges of the previous generation for the sake of Christopher’s happiness.

Christopher felt touched and grateful for Maxwell’s willingness, but he couldn’t bear to let Maxwell do that./

Chapter 174

As Maxwell’s grandchild, Christopher knew how proud Maxwell was.

Christopher looked at Maxwell earnestly and said, “Grandpa, you don’t have to do this. I know how to handle Kimberly’s matters.”

Maxwell was not a bumbling fool. He knew the current Kimberly was different from the Katherine he knew.

the Levine manor if she had forgiven Christopher. However, given the


my current move is slightly risky, it is a clever way to break the deadlock,

of the family and said, “It’s settled,

Dellmoor, Kimberly had left work a little later

underground garage was

had worn a light gray suit with three-quarter pants, revealing her ankles. She had

of the elevator, she walked toward her

wearing a cap was sneakily following from

that no one

extremely quiet, and after walking a few steps, Kimberly noticed that

feeling that someone was following her, but when she turned to look, no one

figured he must be a repeat offender

also an

on the camera, and switched it to the front-facing camera mode, pretending to be doing her makeup when, in reality, she was trying



Chapter 174

sight of the stalker, but he suddenly hid behind the pillar again when he noticed Kimberly standing in place, fixing her

Kimberly had already seen

and I am indeed being followed, she

was around, and there was still a little distance

about six

fought alone openly and aboveboard,

did not know whether the man had any weapons. She clearly saw him carrying a large canvas bag on his

need to

looked around and realized she was 300 feet away from her car. It would take her

was about 150

long as I can get into the car, it’ll be relatively safe, provided I’m not

had been a good sprinter during her school days and had clocked 15 seconds

strength should not be

but to take a

thought, ‘What if the man has some spray or things like that? If he got close

ahead after coming to

her high heels and

stalker reacted and rushed forward, running after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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