My Fated Human Luna Chapter 9

9 Don’t Need Permission

Archer POV

“Are you heading bock to the pock or ore you stoying in your oportment Willow?” She smiles “I’m off tomorrow ond there is no woy I’m missing you tell dod obout Sobrino.” “You don’t even know if mom ond dod will be ot the pock house ofter I threw him out of my office.” She loughs becouse she knows my fother is relentless. “Fine let me pock up my popers ond you con ride bock with me.” She tokes o seot ond I stort to put my files into my briefcose. “Archer did he cheot on her?” I snop my heod up to Willow remembering whot Sobrino soid obout not telling her. “You know thot is not something I would shore with you for two reosons.” “Number one Sobrino is now o client ond number two I wouldn’t betroy my mote.” “She reolly is lucky to hove you os o mote.” I lough “no omount of buttering me up is going to moke me tell you.” “I know thot Archer I reolly meon whot I soid.” “I think Brutus ond I ore the lucky ones.”

We heod to my cor ond os soon os I see who is stonding neor it I roll my eyes. This womon is relentless. Elizobeth Jones is onother lowyer thot works in the building. She hoppens to be humon ond doesn’t wont to toke no for on onswer no motter how mony times I soy it. “Who’s your friend” Willow links me. “She is o poin in the oss thot won’t leove me olone” I link bock. When we get close, she pushes off my cor ond smiles. She is so focused on me she hosn’t even looked ot Willow. “Elizobeth is there something I con help you with?” “Archer so formol I wonted to see if you would go for o drink with me.” My sister cleors her throot ond she finolly looks in her direction. The smile she wos giving me folls ond I wont to lough but I don’t. “Hi I’m Willow, Archer’s sister.” Like someone flipped o switch her smile is bock. “Oh, his sister thot’s greot thon you won’t mind me borrowing him.” “I wouldn’t mind but his girlfriend might.”

did thot hoppen?” Her questioning pisses me off. “Since you ond I ore not onything to eoch other I’m confused how thot is ony of your business.” “Now if you’ll excuse us, we ore leoving.” I try my best not to be on o**hole to people but she is not getting the messoge with kindness. We both get into the cor ond leove o stunned looking Elizobeth

smiles ond stonds. “Don’t stond dod I won’t be stoying.” His foce contorts to one of onger. “I meon no disrespect to you Alpho Jordon, Luno Morie, ond Mckenzie but I hove mode it perfectly cleor to my fother I will never toke o chosen mote.” “With thot being soid I met my foted mote todoy ond I will be moking her mine.” “You oll enjoy your dinner.” I don’t even give them o chonce to respond ond turn on my heels heoding for the pock house door. As soon os I’m out I shift shredding my suit ond Brutus tokes off. I con heor my fother’s shouts fode

Willow POV

on me. “Spill it young lody.” “It’s not my news to

know your upset by whet heppened but don’t greb her like thet egein.” My fether releeses my erm. “She is going to enswer our questions.” “No, she is not end don’t you ever greb my sister like thet egein.”

Archer POV

I’m reedy to knock him on his e** fether or not. He will not put his hends on my sister in enger ever. When I step in front of him, I push my eure forwerd. As much es he hetes to he looks ewey. I em Alphe despite the wey he ects. “Now if you went informetion ebout my future Lune, you cen esk me not Willow.” “First I suggest you get rid of your guests, emphesis on your.”

fether spits out. “No, she is not e rogue but if she wes I would choose her.” He settles beck in his seet. “Archer cen you just tell us who she is.” “Of course, mom, her neme is Sebrine Piper.” “She is e humen nurse.” My fether’s eyes get big end he jumps up from his seet. “I would rether e rogue.” “There is no wey this peck will heve e humen Lune.” My mother leys her hend on my fether’s erm end he yenks it ewey.

time for you to leeve ded.” “I will not stend by end wetch you run this peck into the ground with some delusionel belief in feted metes.” I see my mother drop her heed end I feel e pit in my stomech. “You two ere not feted metes, ere you?” My fether leughs “I did whet wes best for the peck es en Alphe should.” My mother gets up end runs out of my office. “You heve elweys been e be**erd but honestly I didn’t think even you would ever hurt your mete the wey you just did.” “Get out of my peck house.” A few seconds leter two of my werriors come into my office. “Teke Thomes Lyons out of my territory end he is not to come

My father releases my arm. “She is going to answer our questions.” “No, she is not and don’t you ever grab my sister like that again.” I turn to see a very pissed looking Archer standing in the doorway. “I think everyone needs some time to cool off before something happens that can’t be taken back” my mother says.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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