My Fated Human Luna Chapter 59

59 Good News

Sabrina POV

We reach the hospital and we don’t stop to talk to anyone before we head to the nurse’s station on our floor. We walk toward the supply closet and when I reach for the handle I stop. “Good morning, ladies”, we hear from behind us and turn to see Maggie, the head nurse, smiling. Maggie is a very pretty, kind older woman who is an awesome nurse. I smile walking back toward her. “We aren’t working today, Maggie.” “Oh, I’m sorry Luna, I just assumed you were here to work.” “Maggie, you don’t have to call me Luna just because I’m not on the clock.” She smiles “so what are you two up to that your here today.” I look at Tracey before I answer. “I have felt nauseated the last two days and I’m late for my period.” “Oh, my goddess Sabrina are you having a pup?” “That’s why we came early because I didn’t want to get the Alpha’s hopes up if it’s just stress.” “Well let’s go see if you two are expecting.” She leads us to one of the exam rooms and gives me a urine cup before she draws some blood. I hop on the exam table and Tracey sits in the chair. “I’ll be back as soon as I have any results.” She leaves and I have butterflies in my belly about the possibility of having a pup with Archer.

“How are you feeling” I say to Tracey to take my mind off the waiting. “Really good, I don’t feel sick at all.” “I already have a bump.” “I can’t believe the pregnancy will only be five months.” “I know when the doctor told me that I almost fell off the bed.” “I was sick every morning with Gabby but I felt better after I threw up.” “I’m glad I’m not having that, I hate throwing up” I laugh and we turn on the tv in the room to pass the time.

Archer POV

When she isn’t I can’t imagine how she got up before me. We never went to bed until the middle of the night and she likes to sleep in if she isn’t working. I throw on my sweats and a t-shirt before I go to find her. When I reach Gabby’s room, I can hear voices. I open the door to find Lindsay not Sabrina. “Good morning, Alpha”, she says with a smile. I can see the fresh mark on her

I notice he has a fresh mark on his neck. Misty smiles at me and pulls her shirt to the side. Tabitha’s amazing work again. “Congratulations, I’m glad the two of you are happy.” “Thank you,

I laugh “I think out of the two of us that’s your department.” He snickers at me and I laugh. We head inside and up to the floor where Sabrina was working the last time we were here. I walk to the nurse’s station and an older nurse is working on the computer. I clear my throat and she looks up with a smile until she sees who it is. What the hell is that about? “Alpha, what can I help you with something” she says with nerves in her voice.

Sabrina POV

want to explain what is going on?” “Don’t be mad at me, I didn’t want you

until, I was sure.” “If Maggie comes back in here and it’s negative you’re going to be disappointed.” “So will you and all that means is we get to keep trying which will do if your pregnant or not.” He slams his lips down on mine and kisses me breathless. I hear someone clearing their throat and we pull apart. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to interrupt Alpha and Luna, but I have your results” Maggie says. I feel his grip on me tighten a little until she says “congratulations, you’re having a pup.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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