My Fated Human Luna Chapter 61

61 Epilogue Part 2

Sabrina POV

A few minutes later, Archer walks over with a pink bundle. When he sets her in my arms, I gasp at how much she looks like Gabby when she was a baby. “What’s wrong, love?” I chuckle “nothing she just looks exactly like Gabby when she was born.” He smiles leaning down and kissing my forehead then hers. “All three of my beautiful girls are perfect.” Archer slides in next to me wrapping us both in his arms. “I love the name we picked I think it fits her.” “I do too, did you link everyone that she’s here.” “I did they should be here any moment.” Ten minutes later the door opens and Fern comes in first with Gabby on her hip. She sets her down on the bed in front of me. River, my dad, Misty, Willow, Harris, Tracey, and Levi all come in behind her. I can tell that Tracey is uncomfortable and I hope she has her pup soon. “Mama is that my sissy?” “Yes, sweet girl, this is Serina Ella Lyons.” “We made her middle name part of your name.” She leans down and kisses her forehead softly. “She is my baby, sissy.” “Yes, she is and you’re going to be a great big sister.”

Everyone takes a turn holding Serina. Gabby follows her sister, making sure everyone is taking good care of her. It’s cute, she is like a little mother. Fern leans down and hugs me. “I’m so proud of you, she is beautiful.” “Thank you, mom.” I look around the room at our beautiful family and again I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for blessing me. I know that we had many difficult things to get through, but I would do it all over again to get here. Tracey comes over and hugs me. “She is a sweet little girl and I think you have a big helper there” she points at Gabby. “I think so too.” She walks back over to sit by Levi when she stops and I hear a strange sound like water hitting the floor.

Tracey POV

hold my son. Serina is so beautiful and I’m happy our pups are all going to grow up together. Sabrina is my best friend, but we are sisters even though we aren’t blood. Willow has joined that and I would be lost without our new family. After I hug Sabrina, I head to sit back down by Levi. I’m two steps from the couch when I feel like I peed myself and the floor in front of me has a puddle. “Tracey did your water just break?” “Yes, it did” I say to Sabrina. “Oh, my goddess get the doctor” Levi says jumping around like a crazy person. “Levi calm down, we are in the hospital.” “I am fine.” He takes my arm and leads me out to the nurse’s station. Maggie’s behind the desk and jumps up when she notices how Levi is acting. “I’m ok Maggie but my water broke.” “We are going to have a new pack member, two in one day.” “Goddess, I hope so, I don’t want to be in labor for hours.” She chuckles and leads

hand. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in to check me. “Tracey, you’re four centimeters but your cervix is thinned.” “Hopefully that means we will progress at a good rate.”

to be over” I yell with the next pain. Levi starts to rub my head and I shoot daggers at him. “I love you, but right now don’t touch me.” He puts his hand at his side but I can’t find it in me to feel bad. I’ll apologize when I’m not being ripped in half. An hour later, I feel tremendous pressure and when the doctor checks me this time,

Levi POV

nurses finish cleaning Tracey up, I take our son over to her. He is perfect and he has Tracey’s chocolate brown hair. He’s the most beautiful pup I’ve ever seen. I set him down in her arms and wrap them both in mine. “Tracey, have you decided between the two names we picked.” “I was hoping you liked Nicholas Levi Crown.” I look down at our son and know that it’s perfect. A piece of her father and me. Tracey’s father died when she was a child so I’m glad to honor him with our son’s name. “I love it and it suits him.” I kiss her forehead and then Nicholas’s. After we sit together for a half an hour, the door opens and they wheel Sabrina in, followed by our whole family. She is holding my niece and I

hand Nicholas to Sabrina. “What did you name him” she asks. I can see tears in Tracey’s eyes as she says “Nicholas Levi Crown.” Sabrina looks up to her with love in her eyes. “That’s perfect, he is definitely a Nicholas” Sabrina says. Everyone holds Nicholas before they get ready to leave. Archer takes Sabrina back to her room and I give Nicholas back to Tracey. Once she feeds him and his belly’s full, I burp him. I place him in the bassinet and lay next to Tracey. “Get some rest love, I’ll watch over him.” She kisses me before she snuggles into my side. “I love you Levi, thank you for making me a mother.” “I love you too and I’m grateful every day that you are my mate.” “Thank you for making me a

Five Months Later

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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