Continuation from My Fated Human Luna to Fated Human Alpha Chapter 1

The Alpha Meeting

Gabriella POV

We just got back to the pack after visiting our grandfather for the last three days. I don’t remember my birth father at all, but I’m so glad we get to spend time with my grandfather Steven. He has told me stories about when Greg was a kid and I’m glad I can still be in his life. I love that he treats my brothers and sister the same way he treats me. We try to visit our grandfather at least once a month for a few days and we always have a great time. We had to leave because my dad has a meeting with other Alpha’s today. Today’s meeting is a little bit different than the others because my dad wants us all to be there. He has never wanted us pups to come for any meeting. I’m sixteen now, Serina and my brothers are thirteen. I assume he wants the other Alphas to see the future leader of the pack, but he doesn’t want me to feel excluded. I’m not a wolf, so Serina will be Alpha, I’m sure. My dad is not se.xist like some Alphas, so I know he wouldn’t pick the boys over Serina. I will help Serina any way I can when she takes her Alpha t!tle.

Serina and I head upstairs to get ready for the meeting. We reach our room and start to get dressed. “Why do you think dad wants us there today” Serina asks me. ” “Honestly, I don’t know, but I’m sure he wants them to know the future Alpha.” “I can’t imagine anyone but dad as Alpha.” “Everyone respects and loves him as Alpha” Serina says. I smile at her “I’m sure the new Alpha will be even better and dad will always be here to support you and so will I.” Her face falls at me saying about her being Alpha. I’ll talk to her later. I don’t want her to worry about the t!tle right now. She still has at least five years before she takes the t!tle. I can see she wants to say something but we need to get back down before mom comes looking for us. “Let’s get done so we can get this over with.” “We can talk about the Alpha thing more later.” Serina walks over to her closet and puts on a blue sundress. I finish putting on my sandals that I decided to wear with my jeans and peach blouse. I’ve definitely grown into a woman’s body. I feel like I woke up one morning and boys started to notice me. I’m not built like most wolves. I’m not fat, but I’m curvy. I work out and train, but I don’t mind my curves. Once we are both dressed, we head downstairs and I make one more attempt to get us out of the meeting. “Mom, do we really need to go to this meeting,” I ask hoping she’ll give in and let us off the hook. Before she can answer, my dad does.

there is shock written all over my face because I couldn’t have heard him correctly. I look over at my mother and she has the same look as me. My father starts to laugh and I’m hoping he was joking. “Why do you both look like this is news to you?” “Gabby is my oldest child and the t!tle is her right as the oldest.” I of course, know that I’m not my father’s child by blood, but he is my father in every way that matters. He has never made me feel like I’m different or less than my siblings. In fact, he is a better father than most blood fathers are to their children. I don’t expect him to put the pack at risk by putting a human in charge to prove that he believes I’m his daughter. My father walks toward the stairs and we all follow behind him. My brothers could care less what’s happening and sit away

Archer POV

is old enough, not me.” “She is a wolf and your blood” I stop her immediately with a growl that is not only mine but Brutus’s too. “Don’t you dare say you are not my daughter in anyway.” I go around the desk and bend down in front of Gabby.” “Blood does not make you my daughter the love I have for you in my heart does.” “You are the next Alpha of this pack and anyone that doesn’t like it can leave or go to hell.” She wraps her hands around my neck and I hate that she thought she wasn’t enough to be this pack’s Alpha. I look back and Sabrina has tears in her eyes. I walk over and hug my mate before I sit down in my chair. “Dad, can I ask for one thing if you really want me to be Alpha?” “Of course, you can.” “I would like for Serina and I to share the Alpha t!tle and duties.” I smile, “nothing would make me happier than to have you all be part of running this pack.” “I think that is a brilliant idea, your attached at the h!p anyway.” I smile at Serina and she runs over k!ssing my cheek before she runs back hugging her sister. I have truly been blessed with my children and mate. “Boys, what do you think about the plan for the pack when you are all grown up?” “About

Gabriella POV

the thought of being mated to a human. Not every wolf is like my father. I will not beg any man to love me, so I hope he is smart enough to respect the bond. I just hope my father will not regret this decision. I will do everything in my power to be a great Alpha and make my parents proud. I’m glad that Serina and I will share the t!tle.

and the announcement. “Thank you all for coming today so we can talk about rogues and alliances.” “Before we start, I would like to introduce you to my mate and the future Alphas of our pack. We walk to the front of the room and stand next to my father. I’m sure these men hear Alphas and think my twin brothers will be announced. “This is my Luna, Sabrina, and our pups.” “Our twin boys, Johnathon and James” he points at my brothers. “The future Alpha’s of the Scarlett Howl pack, Gabriella and Serina Lyons” he points at us. I smile before I see Alpha Raymond’s face change to one of disgust. “It’s bad enough you took a pathetic human as a Luna, but you plan on putting a human in charge of a wolf pack.” Now that pisses me off, him calling my mother a pathetic human. I’m just about to say something to the a**hat when my father does. “I believe it’s time for you to leave Raymond, as you are no longer welcome in our pack.” This is exactly what I was worried about for my father. “That’s fine, I want no alliance with such a pathetic pack.” “You are no Alpha” he says as they both rush from the room. I try to keep my face expressionless even

of the Alphas move from their seats. Once my father has calmed down, they begin their meeting. Serina and I stay to listen while my brothers run like their a**es are on fire when my mother tells them they can leave. We formed three new alliances and strengthened the already existing ones today. After all the Alphas leave, it’s just the three of us in the

Lake POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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