My Fated Human Luna Chapter 80

Lake POV

“Alpha Blane, I spoke to Elder Bradford before I called you.” “Alpha Archer and Alpha Gabriella of the Scarlett Howl Pack are here with me now.” “I don’t understand why you would speak with the elder and what the two alphas have to do with Belinda.” “Sir Belinda and my father tried to use magic in order to get me to mate with her.” “You’re sure of this Alpha Lake?” “I promise you that I wouldn’t be calling you right now if I wasn’t sure.” There is silence for a few moments. “Alpha Blane I’m sorry.” “Alpha Lake don’t you dare apologize for what my daughter has done.” “Where is she now?’” “Despite my anger Alpha Archer helped me to stay calm and contact the elders.” “She is currently in my pack cells until Elder Bradford arrives.” “I know you don’t owe me this after what she attempted to do but may I come to the pack to see her before you carry out her sentence.” I look at Gabriella and she nods agreement with my decision to allow it. “Of course, Alpha Blane.” “My men will bring you to my office when you arrive and we will take you down to see her.” “We” he says like a question. “I will explain everything better when you get here.” He hangs up and I can’t help the pain I feel in my heart that this man has to lose his daughter no matter how evil she is. I link Atticus to let him know that I’m expecting Alpha Blane and Elder Bradford.

“While we wait for them to arrive, I think we should talk about the running of our packs.” I can feel Gabriella stiffen at my words. “Gabriella, I don’t expect you to become my Luna and leave your pack.” I can feel her relax. “I’m glad because I have no plans on becoming a Luna.” “Actually, when my sister turns eighteen we will be sharing Alpha duties with our mates for the Scarlett Howl Pack.” “I will not leave my family or my pack.” I smile because she really is amazing. “I have no problems sharing Alpha responsibilities it will give me more time to spend with my beautiful mate and our future pups.” She smiles “what about the distance between the packs.” I turn to Archer knowing that despite the fact that Gabriella will be Alpha right now it’s still Archer’s pack. I take Gabriella’s hand in mine. “Archer, I am willing to move my pack and join the two together if you and Gabriella are ok with that.”

The shock on Gabriella’s face is comical. “Are you sure about this Lake” Archer asks. “I know you’re still angry with your father but this pack is your birthright.” “You don’t need to make this decision right this minute.” “I know what you’re saying but I promise you that I’m not going to change my mind.” “If it means being with my mate than my decision is final.” “The only thing I would ask is that my Beta remain a ranked member.” “I think that is more than a reasonable request” Archer says. “Gabriella what do you think?” She smiles “I think that my mate is perfect.” “Yes, I would love for you to bring your pack to join ours.” “I think that is a yes, Lake” Archer says with a smile on his face. If my father was alive he would be losing his mind right now. I am willing to move my pack to join my mates because she is what is important. In this moment, my father’s opinion doesn’t matter to me. He was no father and this is my pack. The only thing that matters is being with Gabriella.

Alpha Blane

but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that she would try to force anyone to mate her. I pick up the phone on my desk and it rings twice. “Blane, I didn’t expect to hear from you today” Esmerelda says. “I didn’t expect to be calling you.” “What’s wrong Blane?” “It’s Belinda” I say but I can’t find the words to explain what’s happened. “Blane what’s wrong with Belinda?” “She has done something unforgivable to Alpha Lake.” “What the hell does that mean?” “She was fine when I saw her earlier.” “You saw Belinda

who will bury my daughter because you helped her try to get something that was never meant to be hers.” “So, you’re going to just let them kill her.” “What the hell is wrong with you, you’re her father?” “Your right Esmerelda I am her father and I should have kept her far away

Lake POV

He looks broken but still carries himself with like the Alpha he is. He reaches out and shakes my hand. “Alpha Blane you know Alpha Archer and this is Alpha Gabriella.” “She is my mate.” “Alpha Archer its good to see you again.” “Alpha Gabriella congratulations on finding your mate and you as well Alpha Lake.” “Please have a seat.” Blane sits in front of my desk. I tell him about the enchanted watch and my father’s part in all this. “I could tell something wasn’t right but I felt the pull to Belinda despite those feelings” “This morning your sister showed up with a witch using a shimmer spell to look like you.” “I assure you I wasn’t here this morning” Blane says but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “I know you weren’t.” “Oh, my goddess, how could they do this.” “How could she involve a black magic witch just to get my daughter what she wanted.” “I can’t apologize enough for my family’s actions.” “You don’t owe us any apology.” “You are not responsible for their actions in any way.” “I promise you that my sister and this witch will pay for their part in this.” “I know they will but right now your here to see Belinda.” “Let us take you down to the cells.” “Lake I will stay

Belinda POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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