My Fated Human Luna Chapter 118

Nicholas POV

After we run for a while, we head back toward the pack house. We are just inside the trees when we stop. “Ezra, how do I shift back?” “Think about yourself with human arms, legs, and body.” I do as he instructs and picture myself in my mind. I feel the bones moving but unlike before, what was pain is now just uncomfortable. “Every time we shift it will get better. It will be smooth and effortless with no pain Nicholas.” I smile as I look at my human hands in front of my face. I look around hoping there will be shorts near trees just like we have in our pack. I walk toward the tree and thankfully there is a basket full of shorts. I slip a pair on and walk down the path leading to the pack house. “So how was your first shift” a familiar voice asks from behind me. I turn and Liza is standing there with a smirk on her face. “It was awesome actually. I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier when you were trying to help.” She waves her hand in my direction. “I understand, that makes you a good guy, that you are saving yourself for your mate. You don’t need to apologize for that.” “When you said earlier about me not being the first n.aked man, is that because” she shoots me a glare.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t ask that, it’s none of my business.” “No, you shouldn’t have, but no, I’ve never been with a man. I’m saving myself for my mate too.” I’m sure she sees the confusion on my face. “Nick, I live in a wolf pack. The men aren’t exactly shy about being n.aked when they are shifting.” I laugh “that is very true.” “Thank you for trying to help me even though I didn’t let you.” “You’re welcome” she says. “Now tell me exactly how it felt because soon it will be my turn. My birthday is in a week and I’ll be eighteen.” We take a seat on the patio chairs. “It was amazing and Ezra is magnificent.” “Your wolf’s name is Ezra, that’s unique.” “It is and it matches him. His fur is silver and his eyes are emerald green.” “He does sound pretty awesome. I hope at some point we will get to train in wolf form.” “I’m sure we will.” The door opens and Lauren walks out. I have no desire to deal with her and have her ruin my night.

up and come to stand next to Liz. “I would suggest, if you don’t want to spend a lot of time on the ground while we are here, keep your fvcking mouth shut and leave Nicholas alone.” She gets to her feet eyeballing us both before she heads back into the pack house without a word. Liz turns to me. “Hopefully she gets the message this time.” I want to make sure she is alright after what Lauren said seemed to bother her. If she is, there is nothing wrong with who she loves.

the twins. They walk toward us. James slaps me on the back. “Your wolf is pretty impressive. How was your first time in wolf form?” Before I can answer, Liz interrupts. “I’ll see you later Nick”, Liz says as she heads toward the pack house. “Did we interrupt something,” John asks. I roll my eyes. “No, Liz was there when I came back from the run. She wanted to know about my first shift and my wolf. Thankfully, she came to my rescue when Lauren came looking for me.” “That girl is relentless.” “I know, Liz knocked her on her a** so hopefully she will stay away this time.” They both burst out laughing. “I wish we were here to see that” James says. “Maybe she really is your mate Nick” John says. I don’t even acknowledge what

Alpha Jayden POV

vampire that killed my men. Care to tell me why I didn’t hear about that immediately.” “Jayden don’t make a big deal of nothing. I was handling it and I didn’t think it was important.” “You didn’t think it was important to tell me the details of an attack on my pack that resulted in two deaths.” I notice the tightness in his jaw and I know he hates that he is no longer Alpha and has to answer to me. “I am the Alpha of th is pack father and I need to know everything that happens in the pack lands. Am I clear father?” “Fine, I apologize for not telling you. I will make sure you know everything from now on.” “Thank you” I say. “Now that that is settled, can we talk about Rian?” “There is nothing to talk about father. I will

Rian is the daughter of a warrior and has been raised to have the Luna role.” “Then maybe you should mate her father because I won’t be. Your welcome to leave, father, I have work to finish.” I can see he wants to say more but thankfully he gets up and leaves. A few minutes later, a knock sounds on the door and I pray it is not Rian. “Come in”, I say, and I’m glad to see Andrew. He has a big smile on his face and he takes a seat in front of my desk. “Why do you look like a teenage girl with a secret?” He fl!ps me the bird and I laugh. Andrew and I have been friends forever and he is more like a brother than a friend. He was an easy choice for my Beta when my father’s Beta had no pup to take the rank. “So, a few of the teenagers were out in the woods when the attack happened the other night.” I stiffen at his words. “What did they see?” “Well before they ran, they said the woman they saw looked like Brooke.” I stand “Brooke isn’t a vampire and she wouldn’t hurt innocent pack members.” “Calm down Jayden.” I sit back down. “You have no idea what really happened to her or why she left. Maybe she had no choice. They were pretty sure it was her Jayden.” I feel a pit in my stomach. A million thoughts are running through my mind about what could have happened to her, but one is the strongest. I hope I’m wrong because if I’m not, there is about to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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