My Fated Human Luna Chapter 130

68 The Meeting Part 2

Brooke POV

I got very little sleep last night and it had nothing to do with Anna and Henry. After I changed my mind many times, I’ve decided to meet with Jayden today. I haven’t told Jocelyn yet but she was right. I’m afraid of a lot of things. I’m afraid she is wrong and Jayden was involved in us being taken. I’m afraid that he will finally say his words of rejection out loud to me. I’m afraid that even if he wanted me before, when he sees I have pups he won’t now. What I’m most afraid of is not knowing the answers to all the thoughts racing through my mind. Candace was right, I need answers and closure. “What if he wants you and our pups” Candace says. “Candance, I can’t think about that right now.” I pick Henry up, getting him changed and fed. As I rock him, I let myself think about what it would be like if he did accept us. A knock startles me and I push those thoughts away. “Come in”, I say, and Adrian walks in smiling. “Good morning my little ones.” I roll my eyes “good morning to you too, Adrian.” She leans down kissing my forehead before she steals Henry. I get up, taking Anna over to the bed to get her changed. “How did you sleep?” “Good, how about you” she asks. “Fine, the bed was comfortable.” “Wow, you’re a terrible liar.” “Fine, I didn’t sleep. I was thinking about what I should do about meeting with Jayden.” I sit in the chair and start to feed Anna. “So what did you decide to do?” “I’m going to meet with him.” She smiles “I’m glad, you deserve to be happy Brooke.”

“Adrian, that doesn’t mean anything. I will give him a chance to tell me if he was involved and to know the truth.” “Brooke, I hope that he accepts you and the pups. You deserve to be happy after everything that happened. You can go back to the pack and become the Luna you were meant to be.” “I doubt that will happen, besides, I’m not going anywhere without you.” She looks at me like I have ten heads. “Brooke” she starts to say and I cut her off. “That is not up for debate. If you can’t be there, then I won’t be there either. I don’t know why we are even talking about this. He is never going to accept me and my pups. We can stay here with my sister and raise the pups.” Before she can say anymore, the door opens and Jocelyn sticks her head in. She smiles when she sees us. “I was hoping you would be awake.” She walks in, setting clothes down on the bed for me and Adrian. “Thank you”, Adrian says. “Do you want to get something for breakfast before I head to the meeting?” I take a deep breath “I would like to go with you so I can speak with Jayden.” A smile spreads across her face. “Jocelyn, this is just a conversation, nothing more.” “I understand,” she says but the smile never leaves her face.

my hair and pull it into a ponytail. I’m so nervous but I can do this. “Yes you can. You are strong and I am with you” Candace says. I love my wolf. I head out and Jocelyn is waiting. She hugs me and I follow her downstairs. We reach a hallway and I can already scent Jayden. The most delicious scent of chocolate and raspberries invades my nostrils. I have to keep my focus. I can’t let wanting my mate cloud my judgment. Jocelyn knocks and I swear I think about running. When she steps aside and I see Jayden for the first time since we were taken, I couldn’t move if I wanted to. He truly is the most handsome man I have ever seen. He stands coming toward me but I stop him. I see hurt flash across his face but he stops. “Jo, why don’t you take Jayden and Brooke to one of the

to be mated to me an omega?” “Brooke, I swear to you that I never would betray you. You are my mate and when I find out who is responsible for what happened to you and Jocelyn, those responsible will pay with their lives.” Everything in me wants to believe this man but I have to think about my pups. He steps toward me but doesn’t touch me. “What can I do to prove to you that my love for you is real and I would never hurt you?” I remember conversations that Adrian and I

Jayden POV

hers. I won’t lie, the tingles I feel make me want to pull her into my arms and show her that she is mine, but I know I can’t. She brings my wrist to her mouth and when I feel her fangs bite down, I expect to feel pain, but it is far from that. If anything, it makes the longing for her worse. After a few seconds, she pulls back and wipes the blood from her lips. A tear rolls down her cheek and I can’t imagine what she saw that would make her cry. “Brooke what” is all I get out before she wraps her arms around me. I hold her breathing in her scent and kissing the top of her head. She stiffens and steps back. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” “What do you mean? Of course you should. You are mine and I am yours, Brooke.” “You have no idea how much I wish that were true,

a vampire. “Jayden, we are so happy to see you” Jennifer says. “It’s good to see you too. This must be Jocelyn’s pups.” “This is Wesley and this is Brooklyn” she says, pointing to the beautiful boy and girl. I’m so glad they got to meet Jocelyn’s pups. I look at the two other pups, “they are beautiful too.” The woman smiles “thank you”, Brooke says. I turn looking at this woman, my mate. This woman,

Brooke POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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