My Fated Human Luna Chapter 171

24 The Truth Spell

Luca POV

After we get Esme situated in the room down the hall from ours, Jade and I head to my office. Luna stayed with Esme. I know she had nothing to do with my daughter being taken. I place a chair next to mine and before Jade can sit down, I take her hand. She looks up at me and I can see affection in her eyes. “I’m sorry for everything that has happened since we arrived.” “Luca, I’m tougher than you think. I know you want to take things slow, but no one is going to change that you are mine.” “If you don’t kiss our mate I’m going to take over and do it for you. I know you want to as much as I do”, Sebastian says. I’m just about to do just that when a knock sounds on the door. I smile at her before I lead her to the chair. “Come in”, I say, as I take my seat next to Jade. The door opens and my father leads Monica and a man I can scent is a rogue wolf. I see the dragon wing tattoo on his wrist as they come to stand in front of my desk. I turn to the man first. “Tell me what you know about my daughter being taken out of the kingdom.” I watch him swallow and he starts to stutter. “What is your name?” “Felix your majesty.” “Felix, as long as you tell me the truth, you have nothing to fear.” He nods and takes a deep breath.

“A few days ago, my daughter was approached by a female dragon. Esme is her name. I have spoken to her on a few occasions and she has always been very nice to myself and the other rogues. My daughter gladly agreed. We are well cared for by the kingdom and we gladly do what we can to repay your kindness.” I nod and he continues. “We were in our camp when the same woman brought the hatchling to my daughter. We were shocked that she would need us to take a hatchling away from the kingdom, but we were afraid to ask. Esme told us if we didn’t do what she said that we would be executed. She was very different in the way she acted and spoke. I swear to you, your majesty, we had no idea that the little girl was your daughter.” “I believe you, Felix.” Before I ask Felix anymore questions, I turn toward Monica. Her face has pretty much healed and she is smiling at me. She really is dense. “What did you see Monica?” “I saw Esme take Luna toward the gate that leads to the rogue camp.” “When did you see this happen?” “The day Luna went missing” she says with a smug smile on her face. “If that’s true, why didn’t you say anything the day you came to my office with my father?”

I hoped it was just a coincidence. I know how much you love your cousin. I was worried about you Luca.” Jade growls at her use of my name. “Only my mate can call me by my name. You will address me as King Luca. Do you understand Monica?” “Yes, King Luca” she says through gritted teeth. “Felix, you actually saw Esme the day she made this request of your daughter?” “Yes King Luca” he says. I can see there is something more he wants to say. “You can speak freely, Felix.” “The woman looked like Esme, but she didn’t smell like her.” “What did you smell like Felix?” His eyes motion toward Monica and I hold back the growl. “Thank you, Felix for all of your help.”

should have no problem proving your innocence”, Jade says. My father growls low and I shoot him a glare. “She is not Queen and shouldn’t even be involved in this matter.” “You are no longer king and I say who is involved in what matters. You can leave father.” “Luca” he starts to say, but I cut him off. “That was not

Jade POV

the nearest wall. I see fear flash in her eyes when I say about proving her innocence. “How can I prove my innocence? It is obvious you have poisoned the king against me.” I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. “I have only been here a few hours and I can tell that my mate didn’t like you before I arrived.” I look at Luca and he nods his agreement with my statement. “That is not true. I was to be his mate and then you ruined everything.” “I will never understand girls like you. Always wanting what isn’t yours to have. From what I can gather, you have known Luca since you were children.” She stays quiet. “If he was to be your mate all along, then why did Luca choose Cynthia?” She growls and if looks could kill, I would be dead. I stand from my seat and walk around the desk until I am standing in front of her.

for me?” “Wait, what, you can’t do that” she starts to say, but my aunt is already chanting. “You’re all set Jade. Good to see you again Luca.” She hugs me and winks at him before she disappears. Goddess, I love my family. I turn back to Monica. “Did you have the she-wolf take Luna out of the kingdom?” I can see she is fighting against the spell, but my aunt is very strong. “Yes” she says and slams her hand over her mouth. Luca roars and guards bust through the doors. They grab hold of Monica and start to drag her toward the door. “Stop”, I say using, my Alpha command. The men immediately stop walking. I come to stand in front of her. “How did you make yourself look like Esme?” Luca is breathing heavily and I know he is barely holding himself back, but we need these answers. “I was given a shimmer potion to look like her.” “One last question, who helped you with all of this because I know you aren’t this smart?” She clamps her mouth shut and I laugh at her struggle. She tries to pull away from the guard without success. “My father” she finally says before she bursts into tears. “You b**ch you ruined everything.” Luca

the truth. I linked the warriors to take Timothy to the cells with his evil a** daughter. I think we should head to bed since tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day dealing with the council and my father.” He takes my hand and leads me back to the room that he gave to Esme. Once we have Luna, we head to our room. I can’t believe I’m here with my mate in our room. Even though it has been crazy, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I lay Luna down in her crib and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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