My Fated Human Luna Chapter 176

29 Feelings Are Hard

Autumn POV

Ruby rushes over to me and wraps me in a hug. I know that won’t be the last attack, but they will never hurt my family. Summer whimpers and I know she is thinking about Connor. “Do you know how amazing you are”, Ruby asks, and I squeeze her tighter. She pulls back and her smile falls. “Let’s go, I have a few things to say to that duma**” she says, taking my hand. “Ruby, we need to deal with the dead vampires and the attack. They are getting bolder and they aren’t going to stop”, I say hoping she lets this go. She turns back to me, “the warriors will handle this and my father and uncles are on patrol. We will have a meeting tomorrow. I plan on reaching out to the Onyx moon to help us deal with the vampires.” “Ruby, I love you for wanting to protect my heart, but this is something I have to deal with on my own.” Her eyes soften and she pulls me into a hug. I don’t correct her because I’m not sure what is going to happen when I head back to the cottage. I am a wolf, witch, and warrior. That is never going to change and I wouldn’t want it to. If Connor can’t accept me for who I am, then maybe he isn’t the worthy mate the goddess thought he would be. Ruby and I walk back toward the cottage. She wraps me in a hug before she heads back to the pack house. I take a deep breath as I push open the door. Summer is pacing in my mind and I realize I can’t scent Connor.

returned from the dragon kingdom?” I freeze “what happened? Are Jade and Brooklyn alright?” “They are fine sweet girl,” I hear from behind me and turn to see my mother smiling at me. “They are both strong and their mates won’t let anything happen to them.” I smile, I’m grateful that Jade’s mate is finally accepting her. My mother steps toward me. “Go talk to your mate before you let your imagination run wild about what he is thinking. Communication is the most important thing in any relationship, whether you are a supernatural or a human.” “Did he say something to you?” “What did I say young lady?” I roll my eyes before I wrap my mother in a hug. “Thank you, mom.” I pull back and she nods. I head over and kiss my father’s cheek before I teleport to the pack house. I start up the stairs and I can hear voices coming from the Alpha office. As I get closer, I realize it’s Ruby, Maverick, and Connor. I knock and

“Ruby, I think we should leave and let them talk. This is a private conversation and we need to have a discussion of our own.” Maverick is sounding more and more like the Alpha I know he was meant to be. I can see Ruby wants to protest but she knows Maverick is right. Whatever is happening is between me and Connor. Ruby hugs me before she leaves. Maverick stops in front of me. “Just listen and try to understand where he is coming from before you make any decisions.” He kisses my cheek and closes the door behind him. Now that I’m utterly confused, I finally make eye contact with Connor. His face is unreadable and I’m not sure what to think. “Autumn, can we sit and talk please.” I nod and join him on the couch. “Ruby told me how amazing you were in the fight with the vampires and warlock.

Connor POV

in self-pity. I’m never going to be able to fight or protect her. I know she is strong and doesn’t need me to, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be able to. I walk into the cottage and Jonathon is alone sitting on the couch. Oh sh*t, where the hell did her mother go? I can tell he doesn’t really like me. “Connor, come have a seat”, Jonathon says. I do what he asks, sitting across from him. “I’m sure you have a million thoughts in your head right now. I’m here if you want to talk.” I’m sure there is a look of shock on my face and he chuckles. “Connor, you’re my baby girl’s mate. It is my job to give you a little bit of a hard time, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. I don’t know you yet.” I nod and I’m torn whether I should tell him what is bothering me. He is a wolf. He will never have to worry about defending and protecting his mate. “Connor, my mate is stronger than I will ever be.” I look into his eyes and he continues. “Tabby is probably the strongest witch alive. She has saved

and takes a seat next to Jonathon. I wonder if Autumn is a witch since her mother is one. “How is everything in the dragon kingdom”, Jonathon asks Tabby. “Holy sh*t, there are dragons too.” They both laugh and I’m sure my cheeks redden. I meant to say that in my head. “Ruby’s sister Jade is actually fated mates with Luca, the King of Dragons. So, what have you two been talking about?” I look at Jonathon and he shakes his head. Before I can say anything, he does. “There was an attack and Autumn went to help deal with it.” Tabby stands “it’s alright love it is being handled. Lake assures me that everything is under control. Autumn and Ruby are dealing with the evil f**ks.” She sits back down. “Connor, I know you are worried about being enough, but I assure you that the goddess doesn’t make mistakes.” How the hell does she know what I’m thinking?” “It doesn’t take powers to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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