After watching Armand leave the house, the servant went back to bed.

The next morning, she did not see the leather shoes the man usually wore or his coat on the hanger. Hence, she assumed that he had been out the entire night.

Genevieve simply gave an indifferent laugh when she heard the housekeeper. “He probably had something important to tend to.”

However, the servant was not convinced, for that was not what it looked like based on the expression she saw on Armand. The man looked like he was mad. Could they have gotten into a fight in the bedroom?

The housekeeper had her assumptions but dared not gossip about them.

After breakfast, Genevieve sent Steven a message to ask about the cemetery’s location, and when she got it, her eyes immediately welled up because that was also where her parents and grandmother were buried.

Genevieve went to a dessert shop to get two boxes of cream puffs before making her way to the cemetery.

Since she had been there twice, she knew of a shortcut to get there and did not have to rely on her phone.

with the dessert in her hand and soon saw Steven, who was standing in front of a tombstone

the funeral service company keeping busy under a large

straight, so he looked

until she finally

contest on hacking or sniping skills because he’d always come out on top. The Ministry of National

before continuing, “I was born in a slum in Xedells, where I spent most of my childhood starving and seeking shelter. My father was killed in a car accident, and the culprit just drove off. The guy was never brought to justice. My

He had to fight for

the workers there. When the owner told him that he would get his hands chopped off, Steven immediately swung his fists

to bump into a young man walking out of a cafe and

home after studying abroad. He said goodbye to his friends and was about to go home when he saw the owner of the arcade rush out to kick Steven, who had

decided to step out of the vehicle to talk to the arcade owner and managed to get rid of the man

at the man’s clothes and car, so he immediately begged Armand to lend him some money

to steal from me; that should be enough to tell you what kind of person he is. Besides, he’s from the slums. Do you think he’ll be able to pay

didn’t want to steal,” protested Steven. “I just need enough money so that my mother can undergo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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