Cooper then asked his assistant Christopher to buy him lunch before telling the other colleagues with a smile, “Sorry, but I’d like to have a private conversation with Genev here.”

His handsome appearance and glasses made him look like a gentleman despite his evil deeds.

He looked so attractive that he even charmed one of her colleagues with his smile.

They nodded and quickly moved over to another table but kept their gaze fixated on the two as they gossiped among each other.

“I have a feeling that Cooper didn’t actually come here to discuss business. I think he’s here to see Genevieve!”

“The way he looked at her was so kind and gentle! Do you think they’re getting remarried soon?”

“Wait, who is Genevieve’s new husband? Could it be that she actually remarried Cooper and is simply keeping it a secret?”

“That does sound possible…”

colleagues continued to gossip about them, Cooper pulled

has an uncle named Peter Faulkner. His men have caught Erica and found lots of classified documents belonging to Specter Corporation.

of documents? Would it cause damage to the company?” Genevieve

possible. Fortunately, she didn’t cause too much damage. After that, Peter sent me

the financial news, someone from the Faulkner family has bought shares in Specter Corporation,” Genevieve said as she recalled asking Armand

that it wasn’t

was Peter who purchased those shares. He now holds six percent of Specter

placed the food down on

take an interest in Specter Corporation when there were tons of other companies in Jadeborough. I later

woman, Genevieve easily figured out what he was implying. “So,

Faulkner said Peter’s old-fashioned management methods simply weren’t suitable for Faulkner Group. She believed that the company needed innovation, so she ignored their objections and put Armand in charge instead. With the

on the Faulkner family in order to better understand them, but the information she managed to find was

in shock

so the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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