Her instinct told her she shouldn’t stop the car. Otherwise, she would be doomed.

However, Genevieve knew she had to stay calm. After turning the steering wheel abruptly to avoid the car in front of her, she turned right after bypassing the car to arrive at a junction.

She then drove the car closer to the side of the road so her wheels would grind against the curb. I should be able to slow the car down by doing this.

To her surprise, she heard a beeping sound the moment her wheels came into contact with the curb. She immediately raised her gaze and saw a bobblehead sitting on the dashboard. When did I have a bobblehead here?

The bobblehead was holding a timer in its hands.

When the wheels were scratching against the curb, the red numbers on the timer began to tick away even faster.

Seeing that the car had slowed down by quite a bit, Genevieve thought about unfastening her seatbelt. However, it was jammed. No matter how hard she tried to pull, she couldn’t unfasten the seatbelt forcefully.

Genevieve was engulfed by a creeping sense of dread when she realized she couldn’t stop the car, nor could she unfasten her seatbelt.

She then gave up on trying to unfasten her seatbelt and turned the steering wheel to drive the car to the left.

ticked once every two seconds. As for the car itself, it was cruising at

one hand, she tried to reach for her phone on the passenger seat with

dropped her phone, and it fell under

phone was too far away, and she couldn’t unfasten her

she remembered she hadn’t

get the voice assistant

“Calling. Please wait.”

seem like he was busy because he

after he answered the

the brakes, nor can I unfasten my seatbelt. When I tried to slow the car down, a timer in the car started counting down even faster. I guess there are two bombs in my car. One is timed, and

grew erratic

he was already heading out the door in

and I’m heading toward Shellpon Street because there are fewer cars there.” Genevieve was disheartened when

to Armand on the phone, the car was getting further away from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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