“So what if you’re married to him? It doesn’t mean that Armand’s company is yours.” Samantha sneered. “Don’t you know why Armand married you? Armand signed a premarital agreement with you before your marriage, right?”

Genevieve’s red lips curled. “No, he didn’t.”

Samantha paled, and she raised her voice. “How can that be?”

“I know better than you what Armand has said to me when I married him, Ms. Samantha.” Genevieve gave her a smile. “You’ve got quite a lot of informants, don’t you? He can’t possibly have kept this a secret from you, hm?”

When Genevieve heard nothing else from Samantha, she turned away from her.

After putting her hands on the table, she calmly continued, “My husband, Armand Faulkner, has to be hospitalized for a long time because of injuries to his brain. While he is in the hospital, I will be the one in charge of his assets.”

“Armand has already made a will.” Marilyn threw the document at Genevieve. “The shares he has of Central Group belongs to my chi—”

Marilyn could finish her sentence, Genevieve, who had speed-read the document, coldly interrupted, “Have you given birth to your child yet? Are you actually asking for the shares on behalf of your unborn child now? Do you not see me as a person? If you can give birth to the child right now, we’ll go according to the will and hand you all of

still a while away from her

began moving aggressively. In response, Marilyn quickly put a hand

smoking Mirrin slowly raised her hand. With a smile, she

mother just because you said so?

“Of course I am. I

a maternity test, right?” Genevieve completed her sentence for her before smiling. “Sure, head to the hospital and do a maternity report with my husband another day. We’ll talk about this again when the results are out. Right now, you’re just an outsider, so what right do you have to lord over others in my husband’s

then called out to Steven. “Please send these irrelevant people out of the


summoned a few bodyguards to escort Marilyn and Isabella out

the same time, he grabbed Mirrin and

kept thrashing the entire way. “Hey, hey, I’m Armand’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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