He can’t even take care of himself anymore, but he still insists on clinging to his dignity?

Nevertheless, she soon realized that he used to be the one others had to listen to. Unfortunately, the tide had changed.

Indeed, it was a huge change.

When Johanna, who was lying on the bed, overheard their conversation, she widened her eyes and gasped. “Genev, your vegetable husband is awake?”

“He came out of it this morning.” Timothy chuckled. “Don’t you feel happy for Ms. Rachford?”

“Didn’t you say that he won’t wake up?” Johanna frowned, seemingly unhappy. “He’ll be taking Genev away from me once he’s awake. Ugh!”

Timothy nearly burst out laughing loudly before he deliberately said to her, “Not only is he awake, but he’s even in the room right beside yours. Do you like the surprise?”

Johanna immediately cried out, “No! I want another room!”

“There aren’t a lot of rooms available right now. I’ve only gotten this room for you by sacrificing myself with the head of the inpatient department. Young woman, you should be thanking me!”

“My dear mister, please sacrifice yourself again and get me a different room then.”

Genevieve did not know whether to start laughing or sighing at their argument.

injury, but in the next

arrived, Timothy stayed to take care

Genevieve took the other set and went

the bed, seemingly

phone and coldly uttered, “I said I don’t need

Genevieve closed

the iciness of his look disappeared. After saying something else to Steven, who was on

thought you’d be busy with work. I didn’t

Genevieve thought she could hear something else

taking out the food, she sat down on a chair. “The new secretary was hurt when she

blew on the spoonful of oatmeal before bringing the

knitted his brows and swallowed

silent as one fed and the other


of the takeout away. Right then, she heard Armand’s request. “Please help me do the procedures for my discharge if you’re free tomorrow. I want to go


that my legs are fine and that I can do the physiotherapy sessions at home to slowly stand again.

Genevieve heard him mentioning Timothy, she did not reject him any further. “I’ll get someone to send you

care of you for many years. They know your eating habits and they’ll be able to take better care of you. I have too many things to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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