“She is my niece. She came to Jadeborough for a holiday…” Dagna saw the young woman holding her cheek and guessed Genevieve had slapped her. Therefore, she explained quickly, “Mrs. Faulkner, this is my niece’s first time visiting Jadeborough. She is still immature and unfamiliar with this place. I planned to send her to the hotel after I finished the grocery shopping…”

“She is still immature?” Genevieve narrowed her eyes and said coldly, “From what I see, she is a cunning schemer who tried to make a move on my husband while you were out.”

Dagna was stunned by what Genevieve said and looked at the young woman. “Ally, you… Did you do that? You need to apologize to Mrs. Faulkner now-”

“There is no need for that,” Genevieve interrupted the Dagna. “You can go to your room and pack your things. You and your niece are to leave this house!”

Dagna’s mouth twitched as if wanting to plead with Genevieve.

However, she had worked for Genevieve for a long time and noticed that although Genevieve seemed generous, she had gradually become more like Armand. Thus, Genevieve had turned intimidating and decisive. She stood firm by her words.

In the end, Dagna did not dare to say anything but slipped into her room quickly to pack her bags. Then, she left the house with her niece.

temple and scolded, “Are you crazy? How dare you make a move on a man like Mr.

young woman rubbed her sore temple and argued indignantly, “Why can’t I? What makes that woman deserve to be with him? I saw

feel any remorse?” Dagna slapped Ally’s left cheek furiously. “Do you know how long Mr. Faulkner was unconscious? Mrs. Faulkner has been managing the company since then. If she did not have the ability, how could she remain in that position

of Translation and Interpretation. Look at yourself. You have neither her beauty nor academic qualifications. Who are you to criticize her? If Mrs. Faulkner returned a little

pain on her wrist and stammered, “But… But Mr. Faulkner did not push me away. He was obviously interested in

as a housekeeper for a long time, so

Mrs. Faulkner only told us to leave. If Mr. Faulkner had spoken…

on his wheelchair into the

though you

unconcealed anger, Armand secretly curved his lips and almost

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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