Chapter 4297 Purpose

Tina remained silent. After bidding farewell to Eugenia, she

returned to her car.

Deception… Chandler did deceive her.

But ultimately, he didn’t harm her.

Perhaps from the beginning, his deception was to gain her favor so that he could marry her more smoothly in the future.

However, in this process, she only accepted his efforts without having to give anything in return.

And the videos and photos she had seen from the past also showed how good he was to her.

Could this kind of deception really not be forgiven…?

When Eugenia said that, Tina already had an answer in her heart.

At night, Tina entered the nursery. The nanny in the room respectfully approached her when she saw Tina enter and said, “Miss Stephenson.”

is Quinn?”

is very well-behaved. She just finished feeding and

ago,” the nanny replied.

approached the edge of the crib, bending down to

hardships than other children in this world.

features resembled both her and Chandler. Looking at Quinn, she would think of Chandler.

she insisted on marrying Chandler before even graduating from college? And why did she become pregnant

a moment of loss of control? An

Chandler break the curse as soon as possible, so she became

tell her the

the crib, silently

day, when Chandler was about to finish work, his secretary suddenly called on


a moment, didn’t she just come yesterday?

in,” he said.

responded, ending

the office door

here?” Chandler asked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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