Chapter 4299 I Like You, Chandler

Soon, the food was served.

Tina looked at the unfamiliar dishes in front of her.

She hadn’t tasted these dishes before, but she had a feeling that they would be delicious.

Was it because her body still remembered these dishes? Tina wondered to herself as she picked up her fork and tasted the food.

Indeed, the taste was quite good.

Tina tasted each dish one by one. They all suited her taste and she ate more than usual.

After finishing the meal, she looked at Chandler, saying, “You really know me.”

Chandler raised his head slightly. “After all these years of being together, of course, I know about you.”

Tina smiled.

do I like? You

be drinks with

recovered from your illness, so

my current condition, one drink is fine as long as it’s in moderation,” Tina said, “What kind of cocktail do I

along with her request and ordered a cocktail for her.

pink, and deep blue, looking quite beautiful. Tina took a sip. It was sweet,

What’s it called?” she asked.

Promise,” Chandler

swirled the glass and took another sip. “A blue rose is a promise to stay together. Did

stared at

“A blue rose is a promise to stay together, Chandler. I like the name of this drink.”

no memories of the past, yet she

liked the name of this drink,” he whispered.

head on her hand,

your memory, your body still remembers that

hand reached across the table and held hers.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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