Chapter 375

It was a hassle to visit the grave. Additionally, as time went by, the tombstone began to crack. It cost a huge fortune to repair it. Hence, it was a much better option to move the grave to a

proper cemetery.

However, Grace ended up in jail and thus, the idea was put on hold. After serving her sentence, Grace was left with not much money. Hence, not only was she unable to afford to pay for a place in a cemetery, but she could not even afford the labor fee for the workers to help her move the grave.

When Grace arrived at the foot of the hill, she saw that the villagers had set up a registration counter under a makeshift tent. Many people were coming and going to visit the


When it was Grace’s turn in line, she gave her mother’s grave number. To her surprise, the person handling the registration counter immediately responded after hearing the number by saying, “That grave was moved. What are you still doing


“Moved?” Grace was stunned.

“Yes, it was, by a man named Tony Cummins. I think he’s the

husband of the deceased.” The person at the counter looked

man’s information.

moving the grave

her father and stepmother’s main

moving the grave but

her father to have suddenly moved her mother’s grave without saying

you know where he moved


the paperwork regarding people moving the grave out. We did not ask where they were

her lip and asked further, “Could… could

and just take a look at

moved, I’ll come down

pale Grace looked and thus did not give her much

mountain. When she arrived at

grave, she was greeted with an empty pit. Not even the tombstone

of soil could be

been moved!’

took out her phone and dialed her father’s number.

call finally connected. On the other end of the line, Tony Cummins’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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