Chapter 555

“Two more posters to go,” said Grace.

“I’ll do it.” He took the phone in her hand and took photos.

of the two remaining posters before sending them to Lina Sweeney.

Instead of letting her do it, he should do it himself.

“All done?” Grace was surprised at the speed at which he took. the photos.

“Yes. It’s just two posters. How long do you think it’ll take?” asked Jason.

Grace looked at the photos of the posters Jason had just sent to her best friend. Uh, they were a little out of alignment. She did not know whether Lina minded it. If she did, she would

retake some later.

Webb that Jason took yesterday, thinking of choosing one to print. After all, it was a good memory to have a photo taken

are you still looking at these photos?” Big

jealous over the incident earlier, and now, he

going to print one for my album,” said

that good-looking?” His voice had a tangy bitter tone to

jealous face. Suddenly, she did not know whether to cry or laugh. Who would have guessed that the famous Young Master

tone, she added when his face clearly sunk. “He’s not as good-looking as you. I think

clearly seemed to please him. “Yours?” he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

as if her skin

thicker and thicker.

the jealousy immediately gone from his face. “I like to hear you say that. I’m yours, and you’re

jealous! I only admire Howell Webb as a fan. that… Uh, I’m not even the die-hard type.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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