Chapter 815

‘Who is it? Who said that?’ It was so

sweet but so sad that she wanted to shed


“I’ll protect you forever. I won’t let you suffer the slightest injustice and let anyone hurt you anymore.”

‘That’s… Jay’s voice… It’s what Jay once

said to me.’

Grace squatted on the ground and felt

that all she could hear were the words

Jason had once said to her.

‘Don’t think about these words. Don’t

think about them… she kept telling

herself in her head.

Then… It seemed that there was the

sound of footsteps. The pattering of footsteps sounded so clear.

‘Whose footsteps are these?’

A pair of black leather shoes caught her


She slowly raised her head and caught sight of the familiar face.

‘It’s Jay’s face… Just like the one I saw in

Drunken Days.


and also hallucinating?’

her feet, half-crying and half-laughing at the figure in front of

to me

worse when

made her calm

stared at the person in front


drunk?’ There was no clarity


to the ground the next


put his hand around her waist


frown, and a flash of pain came over her face.

was now resting on the same spot on

been kicked.

he felt that he had gone too easy on the man to

of his legs.

at the person in front of her with misty eyes. ‘He’s asking me if it

How could I not be


that pain seemed to be better

‘Jay… Jay…!’

days, she kept telling herself to forget him, but

at night. Then, she would

with wet eyes.

if it

suddenly put her hands


in pain. How could I not be

pain when

be better than this pain of seeing him!

‘Jay… Jay…!’

days, she kept telling herself to forget him, but she would

she would wake up with wet eyes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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