Chapter 149

They were still perplexed by the material evidence and the unanimous testimony provided by the witnesses to this very


“How dare those people treat you that way! They only criticize others from a moral high ground without knowing anything at

all,” Lina said indignantly.

Grace calmly replied, “It means nothing to me.”

Lina recalled all the pain in her friend’s body and could not help sighing. “When I first welcomed Grace after she had left

prison, I noticed all the wounds on her. There were both fresh.

and old ones. Although Grace has never told me about what she endured in prison, I can probably guess.

afraid Grace went through all sorts of hardships in


Jason?” Lina asked, changing


“Yes.” Grace nodded.

if he’s Jason, why would he pretend to be

long?” she asked. “I can’t seem to figure out this point. Does Jason have some peculiar

nothing but a game to him,” Grace replied rather bitterly. “When I heard him say that with my own ears, I felt as

for me, and quietly listened to my woes, was nothing more than an illusion he created for a game. How

Lina was

rich people are probably bored by their lives and wanted to play a game to kill time,” Grace replied

was momentarily unsure of how to comfort her friend. “I

dealt Grace a

with him anymore. His game is probably over.

gave Lina an urge to cry.

live with you.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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