Chapter 304

The thought of that night filled her with yet another pang of guilt. She had to blame it on her high spirits that day. She did not know how much she could drink and thought it would be all right. to drink more fruit wine. In the end, drinking too much indeed

caused trouble.

She had woken up and started to recall what happened when she was drunk-her pinning him down on the bed, her forcing herself upon him, and all the sweet talk that escaped her lips.

Whilst recalling this, Lina Sweeney felt that they were so similar

to those spoken by men to women on TV dramas! A few lines, in

particular, were copied from the TV series she used to watch back


She could only come to the conclusion that it was not good to

watch too many romantic dramas. When one was drunk, one

would just spill sweet talk like it was free.

In the end….she had succeeded! She succeeded at having her




stayed abroad for too long and did

she hurriedly

romantic encounter. She also thought she might never

not expect that they would meet again under


Lina Sweeney said awkwardly. She had not exactly

irony in his eyes deepened with her words. “Yes, there was a note. It said, ‘I’m sorry. I have to leave.’ This was the

me, wasn’t

could not help but shrink. All right, she knew it



stared at her. After a long while,

said, “Have you sought me

and did not reply, but the

had not looked for

chuckled, but his chuckle was a

had not looked for him over the years,

part of the road they used

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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