Chapter 853

Grace and Chase Harper were having lunch in a restaurant near the hospital.

When she came to the hospital today to visit Baldwin who was still in a coma,

she bumped into Chase Harper again.

Chase Harper stayed with her while she

gathered all kinds of materials. He even

did some errands for her.

Grace could somewhat see through him

too. It seemed that Chase Harper still

liked her. However, he did not say it out loud, so she just stayed quiet about it

and tried her best to keep her distance so as to avoid giving him the wrong idea.

She was at the hospital until nearly one

o’clock in the afternoon. Grace was so

busy that she even forgot about lunch.

She had not eaten and neither had

Chase Harper.

“You’ve helped me a lot today. Why don’t

I treat you to lunch?” said Grace.

Chase Harper smiled shyly. “I’m a man. I

should be the one to treat you.”

“It has nothing to do with whether

you’re a man. If I ever help you out with something, then it’s never too late to


up as he nodded

his head.

hospital served common dishes. Grace ordered two set

herself and

two of them

answered his phone. “Hmm… Yes… Mom, don’t worry about me. Well… I won’t go. I have someone I like. I’m not going, so don’t

held the

Chase Harper’s mother

the other end of the

saying, it sounded like she was

son find a

Chase Harper said he

someone he liked.

be talking about…


chopsticks in her hands.

she was not the

emotionally scarred

afford another


saying, it sounded like she was trying to help her son find a

Harper said he had

someone he liked.

about… me?’ Grace’s heart somehow felt

in her

she was not the person Chase

she could not afford another

phone call,


if he

something. He happened to meet

to want to say

but did not know

so embarrassed that he

wiped his

the side but accidentally knocked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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