Chapter 925

“Will Daddy live with Mommy, Grandma,

and me from now on?” Nelson asked with

his childlike voice again, full of longing.

He saw in cartoons that family members lived together!

Martin Weiss stared at his son. He was

about to speak, but Kyla Corbyn had already gone ahead and said, “Alright, Nelson, he… Daddy… has something to

do and has to go now. Why don’t we say

goodbye to Daddy?”

It took her a lot of effort to utter the word


“Daddy’s not going to stay with

us today?” There was a hint of disappointment in the little one’s voice.

“This place is so small. It will be too

crowded… if Daddy stays with us,” said Kyla Corbyn as she looked at Martin Weiss almost imploringly.

She only hoped Martin Weiss would stop speaking and not destroy the innocent

child’s world.

The words

say seemed stuck

Under her eyes, he had become

I kidding myself? Why should I care

the look in her eyes?

owed her anything.


Martin Weiss did

not say anything.

Corbyn quickly said, “Nelson,

say goodbye to Daddy.

You should go to bed



that his

only felt

when she heard

Nelson to the washroom to wash

in front of her

“Martin Weiss, no matter what

the child anything that will upset him or destroy

know sooner or later.

it make?” he said.

matter to


I’ll let you take it out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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