Chapter 1143

He must first follow his heart to make a choice!

Grace did not know how to rebuke Brian’s words for a moment, and silence fell between them.

Just then, the seat beside Grace became empty as a passenger got up to get off the bus.

“Don’t you wanna sit? Or do you wanna stand with me?” asked Brian.

Grace pursed her lips and sat down on the seat. At least if she sat while he stood, then the distance between them would not be so close and the pressure would not be so obvious either.

However, a moment later, she completely took back what she thought earlier.

Brian walked over to her seat, resting his hands on the seat’s handle. He was tall. As he did so, his back naturally bent slightly and it looked like he was imprisoning her in his arms.

Grace could only awkwardly lower her head and look down, trying to ignore Brian who was standing next to her.

it was a dozen stations away from where

40 minutes

simply closed her eyes and pretended to doze off.

the figure sitting in the seat. From his point of view, he could see

in love with her and become

because of her appearance at the beginning, then later, he seemed to have gradually yearned for her day and


in love with someone have

Love was love?

went past station after station, Brian could only see Grace’s head gradually becoming like a chicken pecking at

interesting to him. Come to think of it, it was

had napped in this way…

were anyone else, he would not have given them a second glance. However, she made him unable to get

the inertia. She was about to hit the glass window when Brian quickly put

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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