Chapter 1177

“Were you thinking of Jason?” asked Brian. He could have not asked, but his pride made him ask.

Grace was stunned and kept quiet.

However, her silence made it clear to him that his guess was right.

“Even if you still have Jason in your heart, I’ll wait until you get over him and fall in love with me,” muttered Brian.

“It’s not that I haven’t gotten over him. I no longer have such feelings for him.” Grace denied.

“If that’s the case, all the better.” Brian chuckled. “Maybe my wait will be shorter that way. Grace, you don’t hate me, do you?”

Grace pressed her lips. ‘Hate? How could I hate Bryn?’

Brian’s phone rang suddenly. He picked it up, and his expression changed slightly after he listened for

call, Brian looked at Grace with a straight face and said, “We’ve found out who’s the

the accident.”


out more quickly than me. The mastermind has been arrested by the police and is undergoing

the mastermind?” asked

Jackson probably intended

Grace because she had heard about this woman from Lina. Elizabeth Jackson had even deliberately sought out Lina to

taking a life that easy for some people? You can easily get rid of the people you want to kill with

body due

which police station Elizabeth Jackson

she asked.

going to the police station. Get some rest,

turned around, and before she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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