Chapter 1796

“I guess so,” replied Lina.

“What would you like to eat?” asked Anthony Sherman.

“Anything that’s light,” said Lina.

The two went to a restaurant near the concert venue and ordered some light food.

As Lina ate, the feeling of nausea came over her again. She hurriedly rushed to the washroom to throw up.

She threw up for quite a while before coming out.

Anthony Sherman asked with concern, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

not hide it from him. After all, she had

sickness?” Anthony Sherman was stunned. His expression froze, and

that pregnant women face, causing us to get morning

Sherman said, “I know what morning sickness is. You have

pregnant. Sorry,” she said. Her round eyes

Lina. It was because she was very straightforward

don’t we give these two tickets to those who couldn’t get tickets and are waiting outside the venue? Then these

hard time getting them. I’ll pay you for them. I can’t let you spend

plan for the future? Have you told Hadwin Stephenson about this?”

She had never said that the baby was Hadwin Stephenson’s, but everyone could figure out they were Hadwin Stephenson’s upon learning she

that easy to figure out?

knows about it,” Lina

any help in the future, feel free to contact me. I’ll do whatever I can to

looked at him in surprise.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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