Chapter 1852

Old Lowyer Walls wanted to stop them, but there were bodyguards around him and he could not get close to Mrs.


Grace also wanted to step forward, but jason still held her hand tightly. She could not walk over.

“Jay!” she said quickly.

“Grace, don’t plead for her!” Jason whispered in a voice that sounded like a warning but also a plea.

Grace froze. Looking at Jason’s misty eyes, she felt as though some of her words were stuck in her throat.

She was not ignorant of the trauma his mother had caused

him and even how his hatred for his mother after his father’s death had fueled him to go on with life.

his chest was caused

a man who loved her so deeply and leaving a


not tatt en ruildesty, per’s childhood wood not

when it turned out that this woman, whom

Wolts, the same woman who had token care of her and Jasper

kindness and gentleness were for from what she knew Jay’s mother

money to spend

Mrs. Walls someone who once risked everything to get into a rich and powerful family and then abandoned her husband and son when she had no hope

and see if he’s willing to

knock Mrs. Watts’s head

kowtow myself. I’ll apologize to Kim myself!”

at Jason and let go when they saw no response from

kowtow at the

sounded particularly loud

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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