Chapter 2312

“I know I’m giving you a hard time, so I came to try my luck. Is

Martin Weiss here?” she asked.

“Yes, but Chairman Weiss is in a meeting right now.”

“Can you tell me where the meeting room is, then? I’ll go there by myself. Didn’t Martin Weiss ask you to help me with anything I

want to do?”

What Kyla said made all the words that Mallory Malcom wanted to

say get stuck in his throat.

He scratched his head in resignation. “But if Chairman Weiss gets

angry when he sees you, Mrs. Weiss…”

“I’ll take care of everything. Tell him I forced you to tell me the

place of the meeting,” said Kyla.

so, Mallory Malcom

there, then.” Otherwise, he could not afford it if

now that Kyla

you,” said Kyla.

Kyla to the

receptionist was shocked.

did I just

she? She can’t be Chairman Weiss’s wife,

woman’s obviously pregnant… If she’s Mrs. Weiss, then she

receptionist was taken aback by her own

Malcom brought Kyla to the floor where the meeting room was on and said, “Chairman Weiss is still in a meeting, so I’m afraid you’ll

to the lounge area outside the meeting room. It had

Or something to eat?” asked Mallory

give me a glass of warm water,” said

and brought a glass of warm

it in her palms, and said to Mallory Malcom, “I’ll wait here. You can

Mallory Malcom hesitated

here. There are many people here watching if anything happens. Nothing

Wait here for Chairman

sipping the glass of warm water in her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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