Chapter 2326

What was wrong with him? Before leaving, he constantly told

himself not to care about Kyla. Even if he had once loved this woman, it was all over now.


However, her pale face and devastating expression kept appearing in his mind, making it hard for him to calm down. He also felt an uncomfortable tightness in his chest.

Therefore, he ordered the driver to go to the hotel.

However, he wondered what on earth he was doing when he arrived. ‘Do I want to see Kyla?

‘Aren’t I supposed to despise this woman?’

As he sat in the car, two forces seemed to tug at him in his mind.

What surprised him was she appeared in front of him with another


Chase Harper!

City. Now, they appeared together in L City. What did she have to do

Chapter 2326


him about an hour ago but

at another man.

over his heart. It

him or stinging him. He even felt rage.

what was he angry

was smiling at another man

in the front was terrified as he felt

mirror, he was shocked to see a

Mr. Weiss…

the road to the opposite side. He

said, Martin Weiss got out of the car and walked into the hotel, while the driver slowly started the car and followed

her hotel room, took off her coat,

Chapter 2326

for a few hours but felt so


like a big stone pressing on her heart, leaving her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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