Chapter 2334

“Do you think I’ll still be standing here and chatting with you if you had crossed that boundary?” Martin Weiss asked coldly.

Kyla froze.

Martin Weiss grabbed Kyla and was about to leave when Chase Harper suddenly said, “Hey, Kyla’s shoelace is still loose!”

Martin Weiss looked down at Kyla’s loose shoelace. Then, he crouched down to help her tie it.

She gasped, not expecting him to do that. She fell into a trance for a while.

His long fingers tied the shoelace for her, and the gesture caused him to have a deja vu.

Yes, he had helped her tie her shoelaces just like this before.

Even though he had forgotten his feelings, it did not mean he did not remember them.

‘What did I feel when I tied this woman’s shoelaces back then? Was I… as willing as I am now?


Chapter 2334

appeared in Martin Weiss’s

was angry that she was talking and laughing

always looked distant in front of him, but she could smile so


good about Chase Harper?

his opinion, the man was not

not want to understand! He just did not want to see her smile at Chase Harper like

her untied shoelace, he got down on his knees so

was as if him crouching like

was tied, Martin Weiss got up again and left while grabbing Kyla, who was in

in thought as he

the friend Kyla said she

Chapter 2334



Nelson talk about his mommy and daddy getting married and having another child soon. Kyla’s baby bump was proof of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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