Chapter 2350

Seven months ago, doctors only stated that there would be no serious problem if things went well.

However, things were not going well now. It had only been five months, yet she was already in pain.

How many more painful episodes… would follow? Each time was a danger to the baby.

Martin Weiss’s face darkened when he heard what the doctor said.

After the doctor and nurse left the ward, Martin Weiss looked at Kyla, who lay on the hospital bed looking fragile. “Are you going to insist on having this baby?”

“Yeah,” muttered Kyla.

“Why do you have to give birth to the baby? Haven’t you always hated me and never had feelings for me? Why give birth to a child of my blood?” he asked.

She was silent for a moment before muttering, “I gave birth… to Nelson too.”

His expression changed before he laughed at himself. “Yeah, you

Chapter 2350


much you hate me, you still can’t bring yourself to give up human

to the baby not just because it

a human life but also because of her

feelings she had buried

did not have feelings for her anymore, so

better left unsaid.

okay to let

Kyla for a while before saying, “Rest first.

care of the hospitalization procedures for you.”


forget about it. That way, if anything happens to me, you’ll still be alive and well…” she murmured as her hands rested on her bulging

of her and the unborn child remained unknown. Good things or

his feelings for her, would not risk his own life for her and


Chapter 2350


phone on the bedside table rang. She looked at the phone to see that it was a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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