Chapter 2356

Lina hesitated a little before saying, “Kyla, you and Martin Weiss don’t have to go this far. Your health can’t be too bad. Besides, it’s been five years. Why don’t we find a way to recover the feelings Martin Weiss has forgotten? Then you can…”

“No thanks. Just leave it at that. It’s… good enough. I don’t want him to risk his life for me again,” said Kyla as she suppressed the sorrow to the bottom of her heart. She smiled faintly. “Lina, I’ve made up my mind.”

Seeing the smile on Kyla’s face, Lina felt sadder.

‘Kyla… has feelings for Martin Weiss too. These two people who love each other can’t be with each other.’

One loved too much, while the other loved too little. Was there no way for them to be together?

Whether it was deep or faint, it was still love.

Grace quickly changed the subject and said, “Whatever it is, Martin Weiss has promised to cooperate to get Jacqueline Bowman probation, so there’s hope for Kyla to find out Amber Mitchell’s whereabouts from Jacqueline Bowman. But Jacqueline Bowman seems to be getting away too easily.”

Chapter 2356


refuses to say

released,” said Lina.

Weiss’s cooperation,” said Grace, who did not want the law to let go of a perpetrator but also wanted to help Kyla find Amber

could understand what Kyla was feeling.

more!” Lina was interested.

was waiting for her to go on.

her voice and told her two best friends

eyes widened as she listened. Finally, she asked uncertainly,

think of it. It should work if we set it up right, but we need many parties to cooperate with us. Also, Martin Weiss is the victim, so we need his cooperation in court. I just don’t know if he’ll agree to this. But

bit her

you give it a try? It’ll

Chapter 2356


like Jacqueline Bowman are allowed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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