Chapter 2358

Jason looked at the mahjong tiles on the square table as they had

not been put away. A look of slight surprise flashed across his eyes. He walked over to Grace with a smile. “It’s rare to see your play mahjong. How was it?”

“I lost five dollars,” said Grace.

The sum of five dollars made Jason momentarily speechless. After all, few things could render him speechless nowadays.

“Did you guys bet five dollars for each round?” he asked.

“No, 50 cents,” said Grace.

Jason looked at the four people in front of him. Hadwin Stephenson had the most chips, but he would only get about ten dollars at most since they betted 50 cents each time.

“It’s getting late. I came to pick you up. If you don’t go back for dinner, I think the two little ones at home won’t eat their dinner either,” said Jason.

acknowledgment and said to Kyla, “Kyla, let

Kyla did not refuse her kindness.

Chapter 2358


of the Stephenson family’s mansion, they saw a car

of the car.

a few days,

up to Kyla and nodded to Jason and Grace as a greeting. Then, he said to Kyla, “I heard from your mother that you came here today, so I came to look for

“Yes,” said Kyla.

send you home, then,” said

whispered back, “Okay.” She said goodbye to Grace and

the car drive away and asked Jason, “Aren’t you curious? Martin Weiss has been hypnotized, but why is he with Kyla again?”

only care about you, Even if I’m curious, I’m only curious about you,”

the man in front of her. Moonlight shone on his face. His straight nose, sexy thin lips, and

Chapter 2358

look so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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