Chapter 2364

Kyla’s heart shuddered slightly. ‘Martin Weiss’s… coming here tonight?’

That meant she would have to stay in this apartment today.

Kyla briefly cleaned up. She checked the refrigerator, only to see that it was already stocked with various fresh ingredients.

Looking at the time, it was almost evening. Therefore, Kyla took out some ingredients and began to make dinner.

She was five months pregnant, but it did not stop her from cooking.

She made three simple dishes and one soup. She wanted to call- and ask when Martin Weiss would be back, only to remember that he seemed to have blocked her number!

When she was in L City, she wanted to contact him but failed. She only managed to get in touch with Martin Weiss after contacting Mallory Malcom.


portion. However, just in case, she kept the rest of the

Chapter 2364

far more spacious

throw pillow as she flipped through a romance novel she brought from

romance novels and yearned for the same romance in

in love,

was in L. City. She bought it and put it in


no longer had romance in her life, she could not help wanting to read about it in books.

saw the soft lights in the room. She was lying on the couch, seemingly taking

her gentle, peaceful face in

gaunter than he remembered. The pregnancy was a heavy burden on her body at her age.

glanced at the book in her hand. When he saw the title, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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