Chapter 2375

Jacqueline Bowman clenched her teeth, threw caution to the wind, and said to her fellow passengers who had not left the plane, “The police are arresting people arbitrarily! The police are arresting people arbitrarily!”

She thought she could save herself by using public opinion.

However, to her surprise, those passengers seemed unbothered by what was happening. Although some people looked curiously toward her, no one took out their phones to record the scene, let

alone come over.

“It’s no use, Jacqueline Bowman. Others will only think it’s for show. These passengers are extras who accompanied you on the flight. They were asked to put on a show to make you think you were flying abroad.” Grace’s statement instantly solved Jacqueline Bowman’s doubts.

“Extras?” She froze.

“Yes, just like the trial you went through, which was also for show. Your real trial is in a month. You’re still a suspect. You’ll be sentenced in a month,” said Grace.

for a long time. ‘How can this all be for show?’

on probation! However, they

Chapter 2375

telling her that her real trial was another month

no way she would be released on


Y-You lied to me! You lied to me!” Jacqueline Bowman said in a shrill voice, desperately trying to break away

could not move at all!

she tried to break free, the

I’m only glad

only shout at Kyla, “Kyla, I… I didn’t lie to you. I really know where Amber Mitchell is. Tell them to let me

no longer believe

not going to be a fool anymore and believe that you know where Amber Mitchell is!” Kyla seemed tired. It was as if she had exhausted

Kyla. I’ll send you home so you can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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