Chapter 2377


All she could think about was whether Amber Mitchell had gone insane and whether she was locked up in a mental hospital.

When she was done washing up and changing her clothes, she was still slightly in a daze.

Kyla walked out of the bathroom and saw Martin Weiss standing outside, obviously waiting for her.

“Are you done?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she muttered.

“Go and sit in the living room. I’ll heat a glass of milk for you to drink before going to sleep. It’ll make you feel better,” he said.

He took her to the couch in the living room and handed her a glass of warm milk.

in it. Amber Mitchell had also secretly gotten milk for her to drink when she was pregnant

need nutrition. I can’t help with the rest, but there are ways to

Plop. Plop!


Chapter 2377

cheeks. Pea-sized teardrops even fell

to wipe away the tears, but the tears

can’t… I can’t drink milk right now,”

woman full of tears. Her tears made him feel both heartache and jealousy.

because she never

even so, it breaks

see her cry. Every tear she sheds is like an invisible needle puncturing

it because you’re worried about Amber Mitchell?”

in a mental hospital or not. If she is, then… how long will it take to find her? Although… Although Grace’s

tears gushing out harder!

gently stroked her cheek that was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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