Chapter 2384

“Have you had enough? She’s mentally ill, and no one is allowed to visit her except her family. I’ll call the police if you insist on staying!” Louise Mitchell warned fiercely.

“Even if she’s a patient, you have no right to treat her like this. You’re treating her like an animal. She’s your sister!” Kyla glared at her while clenching her teeth.

Louise Mitchell smiled. “It’s exactly because she’s my sister that I hope she can get back to normal. It’s stimulation therapy. You can ask her doctor if you don’t believe me! If you don’t fuck off, I’ll call the police!”

She said as she made a gesture to pull out her phone.

Grace grabbed Kyla by the arm and said, “Kyla, let’s leave first.”


“Don’t forget what you promised me when you came here!” Martin Weiss said as his face suddenly approached Kyla. He said in a voice audible only to each other, “It won’t help if you stay here any longer. If you want to help your friend, do as I say


Weiss held her hand to bring her out of the

Chapter 2384

full of doubts.


Anyone who Director Wang allows in can’t

Amber Mitchell even have such

what if your friends have come for you?” Louise Mitchell suddenly smiled, walked up to Amber Mitchell, and stepped on her right hand, which was missing

instantly let out a muffled

smiled even more complacently. “You’re a mental patient, and you’ll stay here for the rest

low as if

the hospital. They got into the car

save Amber Mitchell. Her

by saying, “Since I accompanied you here, I’ll help you. But don’t let yourself

“Okay,” answered Kyla.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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