Chapter 2388

“Martin Weiss, I… want to save Amber Mitchell!” Kyla said.

He asked in reply, “Just because she asked you to save her, you think she’s normal and not mentally ill?”

Kyla said, “Even if she’s mentally ill, she shouldn’t be abused. We saw with our own eyes what the nurses and her sister did to her! Her sister doesn’t deserve to be her guardian!”

“If you want to deprive her of guardianship, you must have evidence to show that her sister is abusing her. But if the guardianship is transferred, it’ll be transferred to her father or stepmother. Do you think that her father and stepmother are unaware of what she’s suffering in the mental hospital?” Martin Weiss said.

Kyla said, “There’s another way. Amber Mitchell is normal and isn’t mentally ill. We can evaluate her mental state to prove that she’s normal!” That way, Amber Mitchell did not need a guardian and she could get Amber Mitchell out of the mental hospital.

“She has been in the mental hospital for so many years. Even a regular person would become mentally ill after being locked up in a mental hospital and receiving so-called mental treatment for so many years. Do you think she’s still normal?” Martin Weiss said.

Chapter 2388

would have lost their mind after being


Amber Mitchell’s eyes when she asked her to save her in the end… made her think that Amber Mitchell


want to reevaluate her mental state, it’ll alarm the Mitchell family. If they refuse, we won’t be able to do it unless we take her away and send her to another authoritative hospital. I can do that because I know some people in the hospital, including Director Wang. But if I’m going to end up putting the hospital in a difficult spot, do you think these connections will help?” Martin Weiss said.

was silent, understanding

the hospital for so

said after a while, “What if we forcibly take her away to be

mentally ill, we won’t have a problem taking her away by force. But what if Amber Mitchell is mentally ill? The consequences might be

true, then Amber

Chapter 2388

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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