Chapter 2395

The name was a pain to him every time he thought of it!

“Why did you betray me? Why… did you have to fall in love with Herman? Amber Mitchell… You’ve lost your mind, but you lost it for Herman. You… brought all this upon yourself!”

Yes, she brought it upon herself. Therefore, I don’t have to feel guilty even if she’s miserable!’

George Gregory told himself.

“What? He went over and met Amber Mitchell?” Louise Mitchell’s expression changed after she received the call.

George had never visited Amber Mitchell over the years, but he unexpectedly went to the hospital today.

‘Why would George go there?’

Mitchell’s mind suddenly flashed back to Amber Mitchell’s so-called former friend she had met there a few days ago. ‘Does this have anything to do with the people

met Amber

Chapter 2395

rose in Louise Mitchell’s


much George loved Amber Mitchell back then. Back then,

between Amber Mitchell and Herman Moss… Amber Mitchell would probably have inherited the Mitchell family and become

still be the Mitchell family’s second heiress whom

Amber Mitchell was going to spend the rest of her life in the mental hospital like a

up to him and said, “George,

of him. However, what flashed across his mind was Amber Mitchell’s face covered with frizzy

and she said awkwardly, “Why…

earth did she lose

was an accident. She had a conflict with another patient in the hospital. They had somehow hidden a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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