Chapter 2410

He called her ‘Sis’ with endless tenderness and longing. It sounded so beautiful.

Grace felt as if her heart filled with something.

“Jay, I love you.” Her fingers gently unbuttoned his shirt…


Brian drove his car back to his residence.

He kept recalling the scene of Jason pulling Grace into the hotel.

Jason could be with Grace so openly, but he could only look at her from afar.

It turned out that once you made the wrong choice, everything that followed would be wrong.

No matter how hard he tried afterward, he could not catch up.

He was now paying for that mistake, and the price was his happiness for the rest of his life.

into the house, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of him.

in front of him.

Chapter 2410


had met her in a nightclub. He heard

woman who looked like Grace to end up there, so he asked

had the idea of using this woman as a substitute for Grace. However, after spending time with Grace today, he realized that a substitute was only a substitute. She

her like Grace. He did not even have…

ask you to continue

just missed you so much that I came to see you,”

woman and forget her when she was abroad. Hence, she went out of her way to come to

Brian as a private secretary because she resembled the woman

have any wishful thinking. They said the crown prince was only taking pity on

Chapter 2410

any funny ideas.

there’s only one person



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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